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It offers:
• An easily accessible theological narrative
• Application
of historical trends to current events
• A linguistic, exegetical display of each verse
• A Reformation
focus on God's sovereignty in salvation
• A presentation of the law in its proper sphere of activity
Discussion on experiential sanctification when appropriate
Students can mine
the shaded grammar/syntax sections or skip over them and enjoy Paul's letter (circular) to the Ephesian Christians.
of Contents
Introductory Remarks
Salutation (1:1 – 1:2)
God’s Plan and Purpose (1:3 – 1:14)
Prayer for Spiritual Growth (1:15 – 1:18)
Command and Control (1:19 – 1:23)
Cosmic Viewpoint (2:1 – 2:3)
Saved by Grace Through Faith (2:4 – 2:10)
The Church as the Body of Christ (2:11 – 2:18)
Divine Superstructure (2:19 – 2:22)
Mystery of the Church (3:1 – 3:6)
Revelator of One Body in Christ (3:7 – 3:13)
Strong by the Power of His Spirit (3:14 – 3:19)
Indwelling Power of God (3:20 –
Unity of the Spirit (4:1 – 4:8)
Descension and Ascension (4:9 – 4:10)
Doctrinal Communication Gifts (4:11 – 4:16)
Reversionism (4:17 – 4:19)
Recovery (4:20 – 4:25)
Rehabilitation (4:26 – 4:32)
Imitate Jesus Christ (5:1 – 5:2)
Avoid Sexual Immorality (5:3 – 5:7)
Positional Status Change (5:8 – 5:12)
Bible Doctrine Exposes Sin (5:13 – 5:17)
Sound Spiritual Advice (5:18 –
Marital Dynamics
(5:22 – 5:32)
Authority Orientation (6:1 – 6:9)
Relentless Spiritual Warfare (6:10 – 6:17)
Prayer Support (6:18 – 6:20)
Courier Commendation (6:21 – 6:24)
Satan’s Henchmen
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Ben's translation of this book from the original languages is provided below.
Everything inside brackets is commentary that is meant to assist the reader in understanding certain doctrines and concepts
germaine to the context.
Eph. 1:1 Paul, an apostle of
Christ Jesus by the sovereign will of God [the Father], to the saints [Christians only] who are in Ephesus [circular letter],
especially to the faithful in Christ Jesus:
Eph. 1:2
Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.
1:3 Blessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us [in eternity past] with every spiritual
[as opposed to material] blessing in heavenly places in Christ,
1:4 Since He Himself chose [elected] us in Him [Jesus Christ] before the foundation of the world [before creation], so that
we might become holy [experiential sanctification] and blameless [ultimate sanctification] in His presence,
Eph. 1:5 Having predestined us in the sphere of love unto the
adoption of sons [heirs] by Jesus Christ unto Himself [the Father], according to the good pleasure of His [the Father’s]
sovereign will,
Eph. 1:6 To the praise of the glory of
His [the Father’s] grace, by which [sovereign grace] He has made us an object of favor [greatly blessed] in the One
[Jesus Christ] Who is beloved,
Eph. 1:7 In Whom [Jesus Christ] we possess
redemption through His blood [representative analogy for His spiritual death on the cross], with regard to the cancellation
[remission] of sins, according to the riches of His [the Father’s] grace,
Eph. 1:8 From which [grace] He [the Father] made us super-rich [abounding and overflowing] in
all categories of wisdom [spiritual insight] and rightmindedness [establishment principles],
Eph. 1:9 When He [the Father] made known to us the mystery of His will [His plan for Christians
during the Church Age], according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Him [Jesus Christ],
Eph. 1:10 So that in the dispensation of the Fullness of Times [the Perfect Age], He [the Father]
might complete the total of all things in Christ [ultimate resurrection of the saints], in the heavens [angelic conflict]
and on the earth [historical trends],
Eph. 1:11
In Him [Jesus Christ] in Whom we also received an inheritance [part temporal, part eternal], having been predestined according
to a predetermined plan [both positional & experiential truth], by Him [the Father] Who continues to work all things in
conformity with the purpose of His [the Father’s] will,
1:12 So that we [apostles] who first trusted in Christ, might be to the praise of His glory,
Eph. 1:13 In Whom [Jesus Christ] you also [along with the apostles] trusted, after
you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation, in Whom [Jesus Christ] also when you believed, you were sealed
[baptized] by means of the Spirit, with reference to the promise of holiness [both positional and experiential],
Eph. 1:14 Who [the Holy Spirit] is the deposit [pledge] of our
inheritance, with reference to the release [redemption] of spiritual assets [invisible tools], for the praise of His glory.
Eph. 1:15 For this reason I [Paul], when I heard about your
commitment in the Lord Jesus and your virtue love toward all the saints,
1:16 Have not stopped giving thanks on your behalf, repeatedly making mention of you [briefly but frequently] during
my prayers,
Eph. 1:17 So that the God of our Lord
Jesus Christ, the Father of the Glory [Jesus Christ as the Shekinah Glory], might give to you a spiritual life characterized
by wisdom and the revelation [complete understanding] of Him by means of full knowledge,
Eph. 1:18 And the eyes of your mentality [spiritual perception in the soul] being continually
enlightened [by doctrine in the soul], so that you might continually know what is the expectation of His calling [fellowship
with the Trinity], what are the riches [spiritual assets] of the glory of His [Jesus Christ’s] inheritance
for the saints [joint-heirs with Christ],
Eph. 1:19
And what is the surpassing greatness of His [the Father’s] omnipotent power toward us [believers with momentum] who
continue to have confidence in accordance with His [the Holy Spirit’s] operational power [filling of the Spirit] by
means of His [the Son’s] ruling [ultimate authority], inner power [Bible doctrine in the soul - the execution
of God’s plan],
Eph. 1:20 Which [inner power] He [the
Father] put into operation [through the filling of the Spirit] in the sphere of Christ, before He raised Him from the dead
[resurrection] and seated Him at His [the Father’s] right hand [highest place of authority] in heavenly places
Eph. 1:21 Far above every demonic principality
and governmental authority [officials] and military force and angelic dominion [rule] and every title which can be named [organization
chart], not only in this age [Church Age dispensation], but also in the one which is to come [the millennium].
Eph. 1:22 Furthermore, He [the Father] subordinated all categories
[of elect and fallen angels] under His [Jesus Christ’s] feet [strategic victory at the resurrection], and appointed
Him [glorified Christ] Head over everything pertaining to the church,
1:23 Which [church] is His body [by means of the baptism of the Holy Spirit], the fullness of Him [Jesus Christ as our escrow
officer] Who continues to fill to the point of overflowing [convey escrow blessings] each member [those believers who fulfill
the qualifications in verse 19] with the all things [rewards and decorations].
Eph. 2:1 And you [as Gentile believers], (being dead [spiritually] in your transgressions and
Eph. 2:2 In which [state of sin] you
formerly walked [conducted your behavior] according to the viewpoint of this cosmic system [moral & immoral degeneracy],
according to the ruler [Satan] of the domain of the lower atmosphere [demonic realm], the spirit [demonic influence] which
is now operating in the sons [seed of the serpent] of disobedience [Gentile unbelievers],
Eph. 2:3 Among whom [Gentile unbelievers] we also [as Jewish unbelievers] formerly allowed our
behavior to be controlled [as a manner of lifestyle] by the lusts of the flesh [moral degeneracy], when we continually engaged
in the desires [will] and mental attitudes [thoughts] of the flesh [sin nature]. In fact, like the rest [Gentile believers],
we ourselves [as Jewish believers] were by natural disposition the children of wrath.
Eph. 2:4 But God [the Father] Who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He
loved us,
Eph. 2:5 Even when we were [spiritually]
dead in transgressions, made us alive [regeneration] together with Christ), you were by grace saved in the past with the result
that you will keep on being saved in the future,
2:6 And He [the Father] raised [resurrected] us together with Him [Jesus Christ] and caused us
to sit together with Him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus,
2:7 So that in the ages which are to come [Millennial and Perfect], He [God the Father] might exhibit the riches [escrow blessings]
which surpass [super-abound] His grace in generosity toward us [mature believers] by means of Christ Jesus,
Eph. 2:8 For you were saved by grace [means] in the past through
faith [agency] with the result that you will keep on being saved in the future, and this [salvation by grace through faith]
is not out from yourselves [your will doesn’t call grace or faith into being], rather it is a gift
from God [source],
Eph. 2:9 Not through works [self-effort
or self-will], so that no one might boast.
Eph. 2:10
For we are His [the Father’s] workmanship, created in Christ Jesus [positional truth by means of divine sovereignty]
for good works [the use of our spiritual assets] which God planned in advance so that we might walk by them [functioning inside
the sphere of love and power].
Eph. 2:11 Therefore, remember that you
were once Gentiles in the flesh [racial inferiority and prejudice], who were called a foreskin [racial slur] by those
[Jews] who called themselves the circumcision by means of human hands [ritual circumcision].
Eph. 2:12 Also remember that at that time [during your pre-salvation experience] you
were separated from Christ, being excluded from the citizenship of Israel, even aliens to the covenants of promise [given
to Israel only and have no relation to the Church], having no hope [confidence in the future] and without God [atheists] in
the cosmic system.
Eph. 2:13 But now [in the Church Age]
you [Gentiles] are in Christ Jesus [by the baptism of the Holy Spirit]. You who were once far away [during the dispensation
of Israel] have become near [salvation for the Gentiles] by the blood of Christ [representative analogy for His spiritual
death on the cross].
Eph. 2:14 For He Himself [Jesus Christ]
is our peace [battle between man and God is broken], Who caused both [Jew & Gentile] to become one [on equal footing]
and Who has removed the dividing wall of the barrier [racial partition], by abolishing the enmity [dissolving Adam’s
imputed sin] through His flesh [the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union],
Eph. 2:15 (Including the ceremonial law composed of mandatory rituals in the sphere
of legal ordinances), in order that He [Jesus Christ] might create in Himself the two [Jew & Gentile] into one new man
[a new spiritual species], since He has made peace [reconciliation];
2:16 Also, as a result He reconciled them both [Jew & Gentile] to God in one body [the Church] by means of the cross,
having put to death the enmity in Himself.
Eph. 2:17
And when He came [1st advent], He proclaimed the gospel of peace [reconciliation] to you [Gentiles] who were
far away [from God] and peace to you [Jews] who were near [to God],
Eph. 2:18 For through Him [Jesus Christ] we both [Jew & Gentile] have access [potential
fellowship] face-to-face with the Father by means of one Spirit.
2:19 Now therefore, you [Gentile believers] are no longer foreigners [living outside Israel] or aliens [living inside Israel],
but you are fellow citizens with the saints [separated to God], i.e., the household [royal family] of God,
Eph. 2:20 Having been constructed upon the foundation [of Bible
doctrine] by means of the apostles [Christians] and prophets [Jews], there being a cornerstone [holding the two walls of Jews
and Gentiles together], Jesus Christ Himself,
Eph. 2:21
In Whom [Jesus Christ] the entire building [the universal Church], while being fitted together, keeps growing into a holy
sanctuary [our resurrection bodies] in the Lord [the church as a building in time and a temple in eternity],
Eph. 2:22 In Whom [Jesus Christ] you also are being constructed
together into a dwelling place [royal palace] for God by means of the Spirit.
Eph. 3:1 For this reason, I Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus, on behalf of you Gentiles [Peter
was given the ministry to the Jews, while Paul was given the ministry to the Gentiles],
Eph. 3:2 In as much as you have heard about the dispensation of the grace of God [Church Age
ministry to the Gentiles] which was given to me for your benefit,
3:3 That through revelation the mystery [of the Church Age dispensation] was made known to me, just as I have previously written
briefly [basic introduction],
Eph. 3:4 Which as a result of repeated
public readings [non face-to-face tradition], you ought to be able to comprehend [academically] my insightful understanding
[thorough explanation] with reference to the mystery of Christ [baptism of the Spirit and formation of the Church],
Eph. 3:5 Which in other generations [prior to the Church Age]
was not made known to the sons of men [hidden from the OT saints], just as it is now revealed to His holy apostles and prophets
[temporary gifts] by means of the Spirit,
Eph. 3:6
That the Gentiles [for the 1st time in history] are fellow-heirs [with the Jews] and fellow-members of the same body [by the
baptism of the Holy Spirit] and sharers together of the promise [not the covenants, but spiritual assets for the Church Age
believer] in Christ Jesus [positional truth] through the gospel,
3:7 Through which [gospel] I have become a servant on the basis of a gift from the grace of God which was given to me according
to the working of His power.
Eph. 3:8 To me [as a beneficiary], the
very least of all the saints [genuine humility], this grace [authoritative gift] was given, to communicate to the Gentiles
the unfathomable wealth of Christ [spiritual assets, blessings and rewards],
Eph. 3:9 And to illuminate [make understandable] to all [believers] what is the mystery
[of the Church Age] which has been hidden from the ages [the theocentric dispensations] in the God [Jesus Christ] Who created
all things,
Eph. 3:10 In order that at the present
time [Church Age] the many-sided wisdom of God might be made known to the rulers [demon generals] and powers [demon officers]
in heavenly places [during Satan’s trial], through the agency of the Church [as witnesses for the prosecution],
Eph. 3:11 According to the plan of the ages [dispensations],
which He [the Father] accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord [one eternal purpose runs through all the dispensations],
Eph. 3:12 By Whom [Jesus Christ] we [pastors, teachers and evangelists]
have at our disposal fearlessness in public, i.e., an approach [freedom or right to access] with confidence [knowing we are
prepared] through His doctrine.
Eph. 3:13
Therefore, I demand: Stop being discouraged [lack of inner strength] because of my sufferings on your behalf [outside pressures],
which are for your glory.
Eph. 3:14 For this reason, I kneel [in
prayer] before the Father,
Eph. 3:15 From Whom [the Father] the
entire family in the heavens [principalities, powers, might, dominions, thrones, angels and archangels] and on the earth [Israel
and the Church] receives its title,
Eph. 3:16
So that He [God the Father] might grant to you [Church Age believers] according to the riches [spiritual assets] of His [Jesus
Christ’s] glory, the ability to become strong [advance to spiritual maturity] by means of the power of His Spirit in
the inner man,
Eph. 3:17 So that Christ may be at home
in the mentality of your soul [spiritual adulthood] by means of doctrine, after you have been firmly rooted and grounded [well
established] in the sphere of virtue love [spiritual adolescence],
3:18 So that you may utilize the power [filling of the Spirit] to grasp with all the saints, what is the width [moving
toward the objective on a broad front with spiritual assets] and length [distance between spiritual childhood and adulthood]
and height [taking the high ground of supergrace] and depth [the miraculous transformation of your soul by the inner-working
of the Spirit and Bible doctrine],
Eph. 3:19
And to come to know [doctrinal saturation] the love for Christ [in spiritual adolescence] which goes beyond academic knowledge,
so that [by continuing daily Bible study] you may be filled to the point of overflowing with all the fullness of God [blessings
from the supergrace life in spiritual maturity].
3:20 Now to Him [God the Father] Who is able [has the omnipotent power] to do infinitely more than all we could ask [in prayer]
or imagine [blessings beyond our comprehension], on the basis of the power which works in us [omnipotence of the Trinity],
Eph. 3:21 To Him [God the Father] be the glory by means
of the church [tactical victory by those believers who reach spiritual maturity] and by Christ Jesus [strategic victory during
the dispensation of the Hypostatic Union] with reference to all generations, i.e., the Age of the Ages [combining the Millennial
and Perfect Ages into one]. Acknowledge it.
Eph. 4:1
I, therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to start walking [conduct yourselves] in a manner worthy of the station in
life [profession] to which you were called [live the spiritual life in your job],
Eph. 4:2 With all humility [genuine] and true sensitivity [thoughtfulness], with perseverance
[grace oriented patience], making it a practice to tolerate one another of the same kind [fellow believers] by means of virtue
Eph. 4:3 Being constantly diligent [properly
motivated] to guard the unity of the Spirit [harmony with other Christians] by means of the bond [baptism of the Spirit] of
peace [reconciliation].
Eph. 4:4 There is one body [worldwide
network of the saved] and one Spirit, just as you also have been called [efficacious grace] into the sphere of one hope [absolute
confidence] with reference to your calling [divine election],
4:5 One Lord [Jesus Christ], one doctrinal foundation [content of our faith], one placing into [sealing ministry of the Holy
Eph. 4:6 One God, even the Father of
all [believers], Who is over all [sovereignty] and for the benefit of all [logistical grace support] and in all [all
believers are indwelled by the Father].
Eph. 4:7
Moreover, to each one of us [as beneficiaries] this grace has been given according to the measure of the gift from Christ
[sovereignly disposed by Christ through the Holy Spirit].
4:8 Therefore it says [in Psalm 68:18]: When He [Jesus Christ] ascended into [the third] heaven, He led away as prisoners
[in His triumphal procession through the air] those who were in a state of captivity [OT saints in Hades]; He gave [spiritual]
gifts to men [distribution of spoils from the Lord’s victory].
4:9 (Now this doctrine that He ascended, what does it imply, except that He first descended into the lower
regions of the earth [Sheol]?
Eph. 4:10 He [Jesus Christ] Who descended
[into Sheol] is the same Person Who also ascended higher than all the heavens [now sitting in session at the right hand of
the Father], so that He might bring to completion the all things [the combination of Israel and the Church as the royal family
of God]).
Eph. 4:11 Then He Himself [the glorified
Christ] gave some [masculine gender : men only] to be, on the one hand, apostles [started the foundation of the church],
on the other hand, some prophets [taught the church until the canon was completed], and some evangelists [special gift of
itinerant gospel preaching], and some pastors [emphasis on authority] and/or teachers [emphasis on verse-by-verse exposition],
Eph. 4:12 For the purpose of equipping [training] the saints
[priesthood of the believer] for the accomplishment of service [ambassadorship of the believer], for the edification [construction]
of the Body of Christ [both positional and experiential truth],
4:13 Until we all obtain the objective [the pinnacle of supergrace] according to the system of doctrine [unity of the faith]
and by means of the full knowledge of the Son of God [occupation with Christ], resulting in a mature believer [spiritually
full-grown], unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ [the standard set by Jesus Christ during the dispensation
of the Hypostatic Union],
Eph. 4:14 So that we might no longer
be immature [fragmented spiritual morons], tossed about by waves in a rough sea [destabilized] and driven out of control [going
around in circles] by every wind of doctrine [Satan’s false teaching] by the trickery of people [cosmic evangelists]
by cunning deception [misrepresentation of Scripture] for the purpose of scheming [organized circumvention] deceit [cheated
out of the benefits of the spiritual life by error and delusion],
4:15 But by continually teaching doctrine in the sphere of virtue love [inside the love complex], we [pastors] may cause them
[the congregation] to grow up [by executing the plan of God] with reference to the all things [spiritual assets], with reference
to Him who is the federal Head [emphasizing authority and rulership], Christ,
Eph. 4:16 From Whom [Jesus Christ] the entire body [the Church], being joined together [positional
sanctification] and being continually instructed by every supporting ligament [pastors and teachers] on the basis of the operational
power [filling of the Spirit] according to the measure of one for each part [one pastor per congregation: no such thing as
a plurality of elders], he himself [the pastor] augmenting the [spiritual] growth of the body [the Church], resulting in its
edification [doctrinal complex in the soul] in the sphere of virtue love.
Eph. 4:17 Accordingly, I must by necessity bring a charge, even testifying to this in the Lord:
From now on, you [reversionistic believers] stop walking [post-salvation modus operandi] as Gentiles [unbelievers] walk [pre-salvation
modus operandi], in the vacuum [emptiness, futility] of their mind,
4:18 Having received a darkened [obscured] understanding [degenerate reasoning process], and having become alienated from
the life of God [due to continued spiritual fragmentation], because of the ignorance [of doctrine] which is in them [blackout
of the soul], because of the hardening [scar tissue] of the mentality of their souls [spiritual blindness],
Eph. 4:19 Who because they have become calloused [scar tissue
of the soul], have given themselves over [betrayed by their own decisions] to licentiousness [immoral degeneracy], resulting
in the practice of every kind of immorality [reverse-process reversionism] with insatiable lust [frantic search for happiness].
Eph. 4:20 But you [growing believers] have not learned Christ
in this manner [you were taught to live the Christian way of life, not Satan’s degenerate way of life];
Eph. 4:21 Indeed, if you have heard Him [Jesus Christ], and
have been taught in Him [by a pastor or teacher], since the truth [doctrine] is in Jesus [the mind of Christ],
Eph. 4:22 With reference to your former lifestyle [post-salvation
sinning in degeneracy], you yourselves lay aside [by the confession of sin] the old man [sin nature], you who are becoming
spiritually corrupt on the basis of self-deceptive lusts [power, sex, money, criminality, drugs].
Eph. 4:23 Then, keep on becoming renewed [rehabilitated] by means of the Spirit by your thinking
[epistemology, mental saturation and application of Bible doctrine],
4:24 And put on the new man [by building a doctrinal complex in your soul], which according to God was created through righteousness
and integrity from the source of doctrine.
Eph. 4:25
Therefore, having laid aside the lie [human viewpoint thinking], each one of you continually speak the truth [divine viewpoint
thinking] with his fellow believer, since we are members of the same kind [royal family of God].
Eph. 4:26 Although you occasionally become angry, nevertheless [in spite of your mental attitude
sin], stop sinning [don’t escalate into retaliation]; the sun must never set on your angry mood [because evil energy
is stored for the following day];
Eph. 4:27
Stop giving opportunity to the devil [by piling sin upon sin, you allow Satan to control your life].
Eph. 4:28 He who has been stealing, stop stealing [pattern of criminality], but rather start
working hard [reversion recovery], continually working with your own hands, doing the right [honorable] thing, so
that he may have resources [food, clothing, shelter] to share from time-to-time with the one who has a need [grace
Eph. 4:29 Do not allow any false doctrine
to proceed from your mouth [a challenge to pastors and teachers], but whatever is good of intrinsic value [true Bible doctrine]
for the purpose of edification [spiritual advancement] where it is necessary, in order that it may give [an opportunity of]
a grace benefit to those who hear.
Eph. 4:30
Furthermore, stop grieving the Holy Spirit [by living in the arrogance complex of sins] of God [deity of the 3rd Person of
the Trinity] by Whom [Holy Spirit] you have been sealed to the day of redemption [ultimate sanctification, when we receive
our resurrection body at the rapture].
Eph. 4:31
Every kind of bitterness, including anger [including tantrums and rage] and wrath [cruelty and revenge tactics], as well as
quarrelling and slander, must be removed from you [by confession of sin and epistemological rehabilitation], along with all
categories of malice [manifestation of evil by a fragmented believer].
4:32 Instead, become kind [grace orientation and virtue love] toward one another of the same kind [fellow believers], compassionate,
making it a practice to forgive each other [mutual removal of resentment and bitterness] just as God [the Father] also by
means of Christ [redemptive work on the cross] has forgiven us.
5:1 Therefore, become imitators of God [Jesus Christ as our role model], as beloved students [children],
Eph. 5:2 And keep on walking [ordering your behavior] in the
sphere of virtue love, just as Christ also loved you [all believers] and delivered Himself over [at the cross] as a substitute
for us [the elect], an offering and a sacrifice to God [propitiation], resulting in a fragrant aroma [doctrine of satisfaction:
effective work on the cross, i.e., definite atonement].
5:3 Furthermore, fornication [normal sex between a man and a woman] and every type of impurity [abnormal sex: homosexuality]
or insatiable lust [criminal sex] should not be mentioned among you [it might encourage immoral degeneracy] insofar as it
is fitting and proper for the saints;
Eph. 5:4
Neither obscene language nor suggestive talk [sexual teasing] nor coarse conversation [sexual jokes] which is not conducive
to the spiritual life, but rather thanksgiving [towards God].
5:5 For you know this [by way of application], assuming you paid attention [to my previous teaching], that every fornicator
[male variety], whether impure [abnormal: homosexuality] or insatiable [bestial or criminal], which is a form of idolatry
[unlawful vice], will not obtain a share [reward inheritance] in the royal power of Christ, even God [deity of Christ].
Eph. 5:6 Let no one deceive you with empty [deceitful] words
[false teaching], for because of these things [sexual sins and the false teachings that defend them], divine discipline from
God will come upon the sons of disobedience [sexual reversionists].
5:7 Therefore, stop being joint-participants with them [in sexual immorality],
Eph. 5:8 For you were once in the status of darkness [spiritual death], but now you
are in the status of light in the Lord [regeneration]. Start walking as children of light [experiential sanctification:
executing God’s plan],
Eph. 5:9 (For the production [fruit]
of the light [divine good] is in the sphere of all intrinsic goodness [Christian virtue and integrity directed towards
others] and righteousness [directed towards oneself by adhering to the plan of God] and absolute truth [Bible doctrine]),
Eph. 5:10 Constantly discovering,, examining, approving and
applying what is pleasing to the Lord [anything done in the filling of the Spirit];
Eph. 5:11 Also stop habitually participating in the useless deeds of darkness [moral & immoral
degeneracy], but instead even expose it [point out the negative results of degeneracy to others],
Eph. 5:12 For it is disgraceful to even speak about the things
[degenerate activities] which are continually being done by them [reversionistic believers in Ephesus] in secret.
Eph. 5:13 However, all things [moral and immoral degenerate
behavior] when they are exposed by the light [divine standards] will be made manifest [revealed privately or publicly].
Eph. 5:14 For while each thing [every act of degeneracy] is
being exposed, the light [Scripture] is always present, saying over-and-over again: Wake up [confession of sin], you who are
sleeping [believer indifferent to sin], and rise out from the realm of dead things [spiritual death], and then Christ will
shine upon you [through the Word of God in your soul].
5:15 Therefore, understand how accurately you must continually walk [live the Christian way of life], not as fools [without
doctrine: wrong priorities], but as wise believers [positive towards doctrine: correct priorities],
Eph. 5:16 Constantly redeeming time [logging hours inside the sphere of God’s power],
because the days [allotted to each believer] are evil [opposed to the divine plan].
Eph. 5:17 Because of this, stop becoming foolish [ignorant due to neglecting Bible study]; instead,
keep on gaining insight into what the will [purpose, plan] of the Lord is.
Eph. 5:18 Also stop making a habit of becoming intoxicated with wine [any substance that can
destroy your life by addiction], by which is dissipation [drunken lifestyle], but be continually filled by the Spirit.
Eph. 5:19 Make it a practice to speak to each other by means
of psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and playing musical instruments with your mind [doctrine and music combined]
to the Lord.
Eph. 5:20 Always thanking God, even the
Father, for all things [suffering and blessing], through the person of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Eph. 5:21 Be under legitimate authority [to those with jurisdiction, i.e., your pastor] with
others of the same kind [fellow Christians, i.e., in your congregation] because of respect for Christ.
Eph. 5:22 Wives, render obedience to your own husbands,
as unto the Lord [dual authority: husband and Jesus Christ].
5:23 Because the husband is the head [legitimate authority] of the wife, as Christ also is the [federal] Head of
the Church, He Himself being the Saviour of the Body [the Church].
5:24 Certainly, just as the church is under subjection to Christ, so also you wives are under subjection to your
husbands in everything.
Eph. 5:25 Husbands, love your wives,
just as Christ also loved the Church and gave Himself as a substitute for her,
Eph. 5:26 So that, having purified her [positional sanctification from the baptism of the Holy
Spirit], He might sanctify her [the Church] by means of the washing [confession of sin] of the water [filling of
the Spirit] with the Word [Bible doctrine],
Eph. 5:27
So that He [Jesus Christ] might present to Himself [anticipates the wedding feast of the Lamb after the rapture] a splendid
Church, having no stain [resurrection body without sin] or wrinkle [human good as our clothing is rejected] or related categories
of things [other lust patterns], so that she [the Church] should instead be holy [ultimate sanctification] and blameless [absence
of the old sin nature and human good].
Eph. 5:28
In the same manner, husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself,
Eph. 5:29 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but continually
nourishes and provides care [sense of responsibility] for her, just as Christ also the Church,
Eph. 5:30 Because we are members of His body [Church Age believers as the body of Christ].
Eph. 5:31 For this reason, a man will leave father and mother
and he will have repeated face-to-face sexual intercourse [adhesion] with his own wife, and they two [husband & wife]
will keep on becoming one flesh.
Eph. 5:32
This mystery [intimate relations between husband and wife] is profound, but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the
Church [Christology and Ecclesiology as parallels to the marriage relationship].
Eph. 5:33 Nevertheless, in any case, each one of you [husbands] individually, love his own wife
as himself, and the wife: respect her husband.
6:1 Children, make it a practice to obey your parents [authority orientation] because of the Lord, for this is a reasonable
and just expectation.
Eph. 6:2 Respect your father and mother,
which is the first commandment with a promise,
6:3 So that it may become prosperous for you [mentally and spiritually] and so that you might have a long life on
Eph. 6:4 And fathers [highest authority
in the family], stop provoking your children to anger [physical or mental child abuse], but bring them up with discipline
[basic child training] and instruction [correction and reproof] according to the Lord.
Eph. 6:5 Slaves, obey your masters according to the flesh [those with legitimate authority]
with respect and maximum effort [motivated by Christ] by means of integrity from the mentality of your soul as to Christ,
Eph. 6:6 Not on the basis of eye service [attracting attention
to oneself] as men-pleasers [trying to get promoted by flattery and brown-nosing], but as slaves of Christ continually executing
the will of God from the soul,
Eph. 6:7 Making it a practice to serve
with enthusiasm, as to the Lord and not to man [not concerned with human approbation],
Eph. 6:8 Because you understand that each person [Church Age believer], if he produces anything
intrinsically good [fruit, not works], for this he himself shall be rewarded [distribution of blessings] from the Lord, whether
he is a slave [labor] or a free person [management].
6:9 And masters, keep on doing the same things to them [treat labor with respect]; stop threatening [those under your authority],
knowing that both their Lord and yours is in heaven and there is no partiality [favoritism] associated with Him [Jesus Christ
as the Judge in the Supreme Court of heaven].
Eph. 6:10
From now on, start becoming strong by means of the Lord [utilizing the divine power available to the Church Age believer instead
of human efforts] and by the ruling power of His inherent omnipotence [almighty divine attribute].
Eph. 6:11 Start putting on the full armor from God [Bible doctrine in the soul] so that you
yourself might be able to hold your ground [defensive action] against the strategies [demonic modus operandi] of the devil
[gates or doors to the cosmic system],
Eph. 6:12
Because our warfare is not against blood [human soul] and flesh [material body], but against rulers [demon generals], against
authorities [demon officer’s corp], against the world rulers [demon ambassadors] of this darkness [national blackout],
against spirit forces of evil [rank & file demon troops] in heavenly places [all three locations].
Eph. 6:13 Because of this [spiritual battle], pick up and put
on the full armor from God [all categories of Bible doctrine], so that you may be able to hold your ground [defensive action]
in the evil day [during demonic assault], and after you have prepared everything, to stand your ground [having maximum doctrine
in your soul, you are ready for action].
Eph. 6:14
Therefore, hold your ground after you have fastened truth around your waist [Bible doctrine in your soul], and after you have
put on the breastplate of righteousness [spiritual integrity],
6:15 And after you have fastened footwear on your feet as preparation [doctrine before Christian service] for the
gospel [witnessing] of peace [reconciliation].
6:16 With all of these [weapons], pick up and carry the shield of faith [application of Bible doctrine], by which you yourself
will be empowered to extinguish all the flaming arrows [gates or doors to the cosmic system] of the evil one [Satan’s
attempts to keep you out of fellowship],
Eph. 6:17
And grasp the helmet of deliverance [spiritual problem-solving devices], and the two-edged sword [offensive & defensive
capabilities] of the Spirit, which is the Word of God [the completed canon of Scripture].
Eph. 6:18 During every prayer and entreaty, pray regularly by means of the Spirit, and with
reference to this [prayer in the filling of the Spirit], in everything [nothing is too small or too large to be included in
your prayers], be constantly on the alert with patience and an entreaty for all the saints [fellow believers].
Eph. 6:19 Also pray for me [his ministry], so that
doctrinal teaching might be given to me when I open my mouth, while I am revealing with confidence the mystery pertaining
to the gospel,
Eph. 6:20 On behalf of which [gospel],
I am an ambassador in chains [to a Roman guard], in order that with reference to it [the gospel], I may speak fearlessly as
it is necessary for me to speak [under his unusual circumstances].
6:21 Now, in order that you may also come to know about me, how I am getting along [as a Roman prisoner], Tychicus, a beloved
brother and faithful minister in the Lord [because of his daily studying and teaching], will make everything known to you,
Eph. 6:22 Whom I have sent face-to-face to you for this same
purpose, so that you may come to know about us and so that he might encourage the mentality of your soul.
Eph. 6:23 Harmony among the brethren and virtue love with doctrine
from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
6:24 Grace associated with all [winner believers] who love our Lord Jesus Christ with incorruptibility [those who have advanced
to spiritual maturity].
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