Rom. 1:1 Paul, a bondslave
of Christ Jesus, called [to the spiritual office of] an apostle, having been appointed [divine summons] because of the good
news from God,
Rom. 1:2 Which He Himself [God the Father] had previously promised through His prophets in the
Holy Writings,
Rom. 1:3 Concerning His Son [deity of Christ] Who was born out from the seed of David [physical
descent] according to the flesh [humanity of Christ],
Rom. 1:4 Who was marked out by divine
decree the Son of God [the declaration of His deity in time was planned in eternity past], in the sphere of miraculous power
[omnipotence], according to the measure of the spirit of holiness, by means of resurrection from deaths [first spiritually,
then physically], Jesus Christ our Lord,
Rom. 1:5 Through Whom we have received grace and apostleship [the apparatus and means
of instruction] for the purpose of obedience to doctrine [occupation with Christ through His Word] among all nations [not
just Israel], for the sake of His Name,
Rom. 1:6 Among whom you [Roman Christians] also are called [elected by the Father]
to Jesus Christ.
Rom. 1:7 To all those who are in Rome, beloved by God, called saints: Grace and prosperity
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Rom. 1:8 First of all, I am continually
thanking my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith [obedience to the Word of God] is being constantly
proclaimed with commendation and celebration [their spiritual progress is widely known] throughout the entire world.
Rom. 1:9
For God is my witness [at the Supreme Court in heaven], Whom I continually serve in my spirit [new nature] by means of the
gospel of His Son [Paul served by studying and teaching doctrine], how without ceasing, I am continually making mention of
Rom. 1:10 Always during my prayers, when offering a petition, that if somehow at
last [Paul was looking forward to this visit], I might have a successful journey by the will of God [as opposed to Paul’s
will] to come face-to-face to you.
Rom. 1:11 For I am longing to see you, in order that I may impart to you some spiritual
[communication] gift, with the result that you might begin to be stabilized [strengthened by doctrine],
Rom. 1:12
For this [communication gift] must be added, so that I may receive encouragement together with you through the doctrine
in each other [mutual benefit], both yours [doctrine in their souls] and mine [doctrine in Paul’s soul].
Rom. 1:13
Moreover, I do not wish you to be ignorant, beloved, since frequently I myself intended [planned] to come face-to-face to
you, but was forbidden until now, so that I also might begin to bear some fruit [divine production] among you [Romans], (just
as among the rest of the Gentiles).
Rom. 1:14 I am under obligation to both the Greeks [civilized] and the barbarians
[uncivilized], to both the wise [maturing believers] and the unwise [carnal believers],
Rom. 1:15
In this situation [waiting for God’s permission], as for me, I am eager to proclaim the good news [teach doctrine]
even to you who are in Rome.
Rom. 1:16 For I myself am not ashamed of the good news [Bible doctrine in general],
for it is the power [sanctifying daily process] of God with reference to salvation [experiential sanctification] to each person
who continues to believe [living the life of faith], to the Jew first [in priority], and then to the Greek;
Rom. 1:17
For by this [daily believing in Bible doctrine], the righteousness of God is being revealed from faith [justification] to
faith [glorification], just as it stands written [in Habakkuk 2:4]: But, the righteous one [mature believer] shall continually
live by means of faith [experiential sanctification].
Rom. 1:18 For the just anger [divine wrath] of God is being revealed from heaven
against every category of ungodliness and unrighteousness of mankind, with reference to those who make it a habit to reject
the Truth for and by unrighteousness,
Rom. 1:19 Because what is known about God [as the Creator] is manifest within
them [in their consciences], for God has revealed Himself to them [the entire human race],
Rom. 1:20 For since the creation
of the world, His invisible attributes [divine essence] have been and are still being clearly discerned, perceived [comprehended]
through the things created, namely, His eternal omnipotence and divinity, so that they themselves are without excuse.
Rom. 1:21
Because when they knew God [by observing His creation], they did not honor Him as God [worship Him as Creator], nor
did they feel obligated to thank Him [ungrateful for His blessings]; in fact, they became vain [empty] in their rationalizations
and their ignorant mentality of the soul received darkness [blackout].
Rom. 1:22 Although they claimed to be wise [false profession], they became fools.
Rom. 1:23
In fact, they exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the likeness of corruptible man [self-worship]
and birds and quadrupeds and reptiles.
Rom. 1:24 Therefore, God turned them over to the lusts [degenerate cravings] of their
immoral mentality of the soul, concerning which their bodies might be degraded among themselves [sexual perversion].
Rom. 1:25
Who were of such a character that they exchanged the Truth of God for a lie, and worshipped [inward reverence] and served
[outward rituals] the creation [radical environmentalists] rather than the Creator, Who will be praised unto the ages. Acknowledge
Rom. 1:26
Because of this [creation worship], God turned them over to disgraceful passion [sexual immorality and perversion], for not
only have their females exchanged their natural sexual function [heterosexuality] for something contrary to their
natural disposition [lesbianism],
Rom. 1:27 But also, in the same [perverse] manner, the males, after they have abandoned
their natural [instinctive] sexual function for females [heterosexuality], were inflamed with sexual desire in their
lust one for another, males with males [homosexuals], carrying the shameless deed to its ultimate conclusion in themselves
and receiving in return the penalty [sexually transmitted diseases] which was fitting to the circumstances, due to their erroneous
wandering among themselves.
Rom. 1:28 Even after examining and putting God to the test [hearing, thinking, rejecting],
for the purpose of retaining Him in full practical knowledge, God turned them over to a reprobate mind, so that they
might continue to practice those things [sexual perversions] which are not fitting and proper [contrary to God’s will
and creative intention].
Rom. 1:29 Being filled to the point of overflowing [satiated] with every category of unrighteousness:
depravity, inordinate desire, the function of evil, full of jealousy, homicidal, contentious, deceitful, malicious, gossips,
Rom. 1:30
Slanderers, God-haters, arrogantly violent, treats others with contempt, braggarts, evil schemers, disobedient to parents,
Rom. 1:31
Behaving foolishly, contract-breakers, devoid of the instincts of love, merciless toward others,
Rom. 1:32 Such are those who,
though fully knowing the legal requirement of the justice of God, (that those who continually practice such things are deserving
of death), not only are they continually doing these things, but they also give hearty approval to those who continually practice
Rom. 2:1 Therefore, you are without excuse, O man, every one of you when you are judging, because
whenever you pass judgment upon another of a different kind [one of the obvious sinners from the previous verses], you are
actually condemning yourself, for you who are judging practice the same things from time-to-time.
Rom. 2:2 But we have come to
know beyond any shadow of a doubt that the judicial verdict from God according to the Truth [Bible doctrine] is against those
who practice similar things [self-righteous arrogant people].
Rom. 2:3 And do you presume this, O man, who condemns those who are practicing similar
things [different category of sin] when you also commit the same category of things, that you will escape the judicial verdict
from God?
Rom. 2:4
Or do you continue to treat with contempt the wealth of His kindness and forbearance and longsuffering, being ignorant of
the fact that the benevolence of God is trying to lead you to repentance [change your mind about living a life of sin]?
Rom. 2:5
But according to your stubborn and unrepentant mentality of the soul, you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of
wrath, even revelation of the righteous judgment from God,
Rom. 2:6 Who will render judgment to each person according to his works [rewards
and torment are levied by degrees].
Rom. 2:7 On the one hand, to those who on the basis of spiritual fortitude characterized
by good of intrinsic value production [good works] are continually striving for glory and honor and incorruptibility: a spiritually
rich life;
Rom. 2:8
On the other hand, to those who out of contentiousness are both disobedient to the truth and are constantly being misled by
unrighteousness: anger and indignation.
Rom. 2:9 There is personal stress and historical trouble for every soul
of mankind who continues to produce evil, first to the Jew and then the Greek.
Rom. 2:10 But there is
glory and honor and prosperity for each one who continues to produce good, first to the Jew and then to the Greek.
Rom. 2:11
For there is no partiality with God.
Rom. 2:12 For as many as sin without the law [Gentiles], shall also perish without
the law; and as many as sin under the law [Jews], shall be judged by the law.
Rom. 2:13 For those hearers of the law
are not just before God; however, those doers of the law [who continually apply what they learn] will be declared
Rom. 2:14
For every time that Gentiles, who do not have the law, instinctively practice doing the things characterized by the law, those
ones not having the law, are a law unto themselves,
Rom. 2:15 The very ones [Gentiles] who continually demonstrate that the accomplishment
characterized by the law is written upon the mentality of the soul, their conscience bearing witness to the testimony [confirming
the law without having the law]; in fact, their rationalizations alternately accuse [prosecute] and excuse [defend] one another,
Rom. 2:16
In the day [Great White Throne judgment] when God will judge the secret thoughts of men according to my gospel through Jesus
Rom. 2:17
Now assume you are classified as a Jew, and your find rest in the law, but you make it a practice to boast in God [brag about
your assumed relationship to Him because of the law],
Rom. 2:18 And you have an intimate knowledge of His will [misplaced confidence],
and you have examined and approved things which are superior, since you have been instructed [sarcasm] by the law,
Rom. 2:19
And have convinced yourself that you are a guide of the blind [actually the blind leading the blind], a light to those in
Rom. 2:20
A corrector of the foolish, a teacher of novices, having a superficial framework of the knowledge [principles] and truth [doctrine]
in the law,
Rom. 2:21 According to these assumptions, when you are continually teaching another, are you
not teaching yourself [Do you practice what you preach]? When you continually preach in a loud voice against stealing, do
you steal?
Rom. 2:22
While you are speaking against adultery, are you committing adultery? While you are expressing disgust at idolatry, are you
robbing temples?
Rom. 2:23 You who are constantly boasting in the law [promoting themselves], do you dishonor
God by breaking the law?
Rom. 2:24 Consequently, because of you [hypocrisy], the reputation of God is being blasphemed
among the Gentiles, just as it stands written [in Isaiah 52:5].
Rom. 2:25 So, on the one hand, circumcision is beneficial if you accomplish the law
[hypothetical impossibility]; but on the other hand, if you become a transgressor of the law, your circumcision has become
Rom. 2:26 Therefore, if the uncircumcision [Gentile] continues to observe the righteous requirements
of the law, shall his uncircumcision [physical] not be counted as circumcision [spiritual]?
Rom. 2:27 Furthermore, shall
the uncircumcision [Gentiles], by instinctively keeping the law, judge you [Jews], a transgressor of the law, with the advantage
of the letter [books of Moses] and the circumcision?
Rom. 2:28 Consequently, a person is not a Jew outwardly [surgical procedure], neither
is the circumcision [spiritual] outwardly in the flesh [not due to a surgical procedure].
Rom. 2:29
Instead, a person is a Jew inwardly. Furthermore, circumcision [spiritual] is with reference to the mentality of the soul,
in the spirit [as opposed to flesh], not by the letter [books of Moses], whose recognition is not from men, but from
Rom. 3:1 What, therefore, is the advantage of being a Jew? Or what is
the profit of circumcision?
Rom. 3:2 Much, in every way! Most important, to be sure, is that they [Israel]
were entrusted with the oracles of God.
Rom. 3:3 But what if some people remain unfaithful? Will not their unfaithfulness
cancel the faithfulness of God?
Rom. 3:4 May it never happen! Rather, let God continue to be true, while every man
is a liar [basically dishonest], just as it stands written: So that You might be pronounced righteous by Your doctrines
and so You will prevail when You are being judged by it [the law & promises].
Rom. 3:5
But if our unrighteousness promotes the righteousness of God, what shall we conclude? Is the God Who inflicts judgment
unrighteous? I am speaking as a man.
Rom. 3:6 May it never happen! Otherwise, how shall God judge the world?
Rom. 3:7
For if the Truth of God has greatly abounded unto His glory by means of my lying, why am I in particular still being judged
as a sinner?
Rom. 3:8 In fact, not true, as we have been slandered and as some [self-righteous,
arrogant legalists] continually insist that we are saying: Let us do evil things, so that good things may come [accused Paul
of teaching “the ends justify the means”]. Their condemnation is deserved.
Rom. 3:9
What then? Are we better [superior]? Not by any means! For we have already indicted all Jews and Greeks to be under sin,
Rom. 3:10
Just as it stands written [in Psalm 14:3]: There is none righteous, not even one.
Rom. 3:11
There is none [unbelievers] who understands; there is none one who seeks after the God.
Rom. 3:12
Everyone [unbelievers] has turned aside [avoided the truth]. At the same time, they have become depraved. There is none [unbelievers]
who attains integrity, not even one.
Rom. 3:13 Their [unbelievers] vocal chords [words] are a tomb which has
been opened. They repeatedly practice deceit with their tongues [maligning, slandering]. The venom of cobras is upon
their lips,
Rom. 3:14 Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.
Rom. 3:15
Their feet are swift to shed blood.
Rom. 3:16 Historical disaster and personal
suffering are in their paths.
Rom. 3:17 In fact, they have not understood the way of prosperity.
Rom. 3:18
There is no fear of God before their eyes.
Rom. 3:19 Now we understand that what
the law says, it communicates to those under the jurisdiction of the law [Jews], so that every mouth [including Gentile legalists]
might be stopped, and the entire world will become accountable to God.
Rom. 3:20
Therefore, by the works [deeds] of the law, no flesh shall be justified at His presence [at the Great White Throne], for the
full knowledge of sin is through the law.
Rom. 3:21 Now, as a matter
of fact, the righteousness of God apart from the law has been revealed, having been witnessed by the law and the prophets,
Rom. 3:22
That is, the righteousness of God through the faithfulness of Jesus Christ to all those who believe (for there is no distinction
[between Jew and Gentile],
Rom. 3:23 Because everyone has sinned
and continues to come short of the glory of God),
Rom. 3:24 Being justified without
payment by His grace through redemption [bought from the slave market of sin by paying a ransom], the one in Christ Jesus
[the only qualified kinsmen-redeemer],
Rom. 3:25 Whom God [the Father]
appointed by His blood [representative analogy for Christ’s spiritual death on the cross] a mercy seat through faithfulness,
for a demonstration of His righteousness [God the Father demanded the atonement and then provided it] for the remission of
sins [imputation of our sins to Jesus Christ] which were committed in former times [before the cross of Christ] under God’s
clemency [delay of judgment],
Rom. 3:26 For the demonstration
of His righteousness at this present time [during the Church Age], so that He might be just [displaying perfect integrity]
even when He justifies someone [emphasis on the sovereignty of God] by means of the faithfulness of Jesus [emphasis on Christ’s
voluntary acceptance of the cross].
Rom. 3:27 Consequently, where
is boasting? It has been eliminated. By what kind of principle? Of works? No, rather by the principle of faith.
Rom. 3:28
Therefore, we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.
Rom. 3:29
Is He the God of the Jews only? Is He not also of the Gentiles? Yes, even of the Gentiles.
Rom. 3:30
Since it is one and the same God, Who else shall justify the circumcision [Jews] out of faith and the uncircumcision
[Gentiles] through this same faith,
Rom. 3:31
Do we then make the law invalid through faith? On the contrary! Rather, we confirm the law [it fulfills its intended purpose:
to make sin exceedingly sinful].
Rom. 4:1 Therefore, what should
we conclude, that Abraham, our forefather, obtained justification on the basis of the flesh?
Rom. 4:2
For if Abraham had been justified by means of works, then he would have reason to boast [before men], but not before God.
.Rom. 4:3
For what does the Scripture [Genesis 15:6] say? Abraham believed God and it was credited to him because of [the imputation
of Christ’s] righteousness.
Rom. 4:4 Now to the one who works [for justification]: a reward not credited according
to grace [God’s gift], but according to debt [obligation].
Rom. 4:5 But, to the one who does not continually work, but who believes on the One
[Jesus Christ] who justifies the ungodly: his faith is credited because of [the imputation of Christ’s] righteousness.
Rom. 4:6
For example, even David [in Psalm 32] acknowledged the divine blessing upon the man to whom God credited [imputed] righteousness
apart from works:
Rom. 4:7 Happinesses to those [all believers] whose iniquities have been forgiven [imputation
of the sins of the elect to Jesus Christ on the cross] and whose sins have been covered [reference to the blood covering the
mercy seat].
Rom. 4:8 The man is happy to whom the Lord will never, ever reckon sin.
Rom. 4:9 Therefore, is
this happiness for the circumcision as well as the uncircumcision? For we quote: Faith was credited to Abraham because of
[the imputation of Christ’s] righteousness.
Rom. 4:10 How then was it [God’s righteousness] credited? When he was in the
status of circumcision [Jewish status] or in the status of uncircumcision [Gentile status]? Not in the status of circumcision,
but rather in the status of uncircumcision.
Rom. 4:11 In fact, he received the physical sign of circumcision, a confirming seal
of righteousness by faith in the status of uncircumcision [Gentile status], so that this same one [Abraham] might be the pattern
of all those who believe while in the status of uncircumcision [Gentiles], so that righteousness is imputed to them as well,
Rom. 4:12
And the pattern of circumcision not only to those from circumcision, but also to those advancing in rank [following his footsteps]
according to faith, like our ancestor Abraham in the state of uncircumcision.
Rom. 4:13 For the promise to Abraham concerning
his seed, to be heir of the world [blessings from the Abrahamic covenant], was not through the law [Abraham lived
430 years before the law was given], but through the [imputed] righteousness of faith [unconditional covenant].
Rom. 4:14
For if they [Abraham’s seed] are heirs through the law, faith has been voided and is permanently invalidated
and the promise [unconditional elements of the Abrahamic covenant] is cancelled.
Rom. 4:15 For the law brings about wrath;
but where there is no law [among Gentiles], there is no distortion.
Rom. 4:16 For this reason, it is
out of faith [as opposed to the law], so that it is according to grace [as opposed to works], so that as
result the promise might be secure to all the seed, not only to those from the law [Jews], but also to those [Gentiles]
from the faith of Abraham, who is the pattern of us all,
Rom. 4:17 Just as it stands written [in Genesis 17:5]: “I have appointed you
a father of many nations,” (in the midst of which he [Abraham] came to believe the God who brings life to the dead ones
[sexual apparatus of Abraham and Sarah], and Who called the things which did not exist as though they existed [their sexual
capabilities came back to life again during old age]),
Rom. 4:18 Who [Abraham] beyond hope [unable to impregnate Sarah], believed in hope,
in order that he might become father of many nations, according to that which was spoken [in Genesis 15:5]: “So shall
your sperm [offspring] exist.”
Rom. 4:19 Now without becoming weak in faith, he considered his own body [sexual
apparatus] which was already as good as dead, (now that he was approximately a hundred years old), and also the deadness of
Sarah’s womb.
Rom. 4:20 Moreover, he did not doubt the promise of God through unbelief, but became strong through
faith, giving glory to God,
Rom. 4:21 While being fully convinced that what He had promised, He was also able
to accomplish.
Rom. 4:22 For this reason, therefore, it [faith] was credited to him because of [the imputation
of Christ’s] righteousness.
Rom. 4:23 Now it was not written for him [Abraham] only: “It was imputed to
Rom. 4:24 But also for us [believers only], to whom it was destined to be imputed when we believe
on Him who raised up Jesus [humanity of Christ] our Lord [deity of Christ] from deaths [Jesus died twice: first spiritually,
then physically],
Rom. 4:25 Who was delivered over because of our transgressions and was raised because of our
Rom. 5:1 Therefore, having been justified by faith, may we keep on having spiritual prosperity
face-to-face with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Rom. 5:2 Through Whom we should also continue to obtain access by faith into this
grace in which we stand [we should be attempting to bring our experiential state up to our positional standing], and so let
us boast in the confidence of the glory of God.
Rom. 5:3 And not only this, but also let us boast in pressures, knowing
that pressure [adversity testing] may bring about fortitude [spiritual self-esteem],
Rom. 5:4 And fortitude [spiritual
self-esteem] may bring about character [spiritual autonomy], and character may bring about confidence [spiritual
Rom. 5:5
And the confidence [spiritual maturity] never disappoints as long as the love for God is continually being poured out in the
mentality of our souls through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Rom. 5:6 Yet, in fact, while we were spiritually disabled, Christ still died at the
appointed time as a substitute for the ungodly.
Rom. 5:7 For rarely will a person die on behalf of a righteous man; indeed,
perhaps someone might even have the courage to die on behalf of a good man,
Rom. 5:8 But God demonstrated
His own love [distinguishing & redemptive] toward us [the elect], in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died as a
substitute for us [His sheep].
Rom. 5:9 Much more, therefore, being now justified by means of His blood [representative
analogy for the spiritual death of Christ on the cross], we shall be saved from the wrath [last judgment & the Lake of
Fire] through Him.
Rom. 5:10 For if while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son,
much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved [ultimate sanctification] by His life.
Rom. 5:11 And not only this
[being reconciled by His death and saved by His life], but we are also constantly boasting in God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
through Whom we have now received the reconciliation.
Rom. 5:12 For this reason, just as the [original] sin entered into the world through
one man [1st Adam], also the [spiritual] death through the sin nature. Indeed, in this manner, the [spiritual] death spread
to all mankind. All have sinned against Him,
Rom. 5:13 For until the law was given, sin was in the world, but sin was
not imputed while there was no law.
Rom. 5:14 Nevertheless, the [spiritual] death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over
those who had not sinned according to the likeness of Adam’s transgression [federal headship is the issue, not personal
sin], who was a type of the One [Jesus Christ] who was to come [at the 1st advent].
Rom. 5:15 However, the [Adam’s
original] transgression did not occur in the same manner as the gracious gift [redemption] also occurred.
For if by the transgression of one [Adam] many [the entire human race] have died, much more shall the grace of God, even the
gift by grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abundantly flow out upon many [the elect].
Rom. 5:16 In fact, the gift
[justification] is not like the one [Adam] who sinned. On the one hand, the judicial verdict after one transgression
[Adam’s original sin] resulted in condemnation; but on the other hand, the gracious gift [saving work of Christ on the
cross] because of many transgressions [personal sins] resulted in justification.
Rom. 5:17 Furthermore, if by one man’s
transgression [Adam] the [spiritual] death ruled through the one, much more may those [super-abounding grace believers] who
receive in life the surplus from grace [abundant blessings] and the gift of righteousness [special award in eternity], reign
[only mature believers] through the One, Jesus Christ.
Rom. 5:18 So therefore, as through one transgression Adam’s sin was imputed
to all men whom he represented [representative union: the entire human race] resulting in condemnation, in this manner
also, through one righteous act, God’s righteousness was imputed to all men whom He represented [representative
union: God’s elect] resulting in justification to life.
Rom. 5:19 For just as through the disobedient act of one man [Adam] many [those whom
he represented: the entire human race] were appointed sinners, in the same manner also [by judicial imputation], through the
obedient act of One [Jesus Christ] many [those whom He represented: the elect] will be appointed righteous ones.
Rom. 5:20
Moreover, the law came in as a side issue, so that the transgression [Adam’s original sin] might abound [become exceedingly
sinful]. But where sin has abounded [on top of Adam’s original sin], grace has overflowed in superabundance.
Rom. 5:21
So that just as the sin nature has reigned unto [spiritual] death, in the same manner also, grace might come to reign [potential]
by means of righteousness because of eternal life [we have the option of bringing our experience of life in time
up to our position of life in eternity] through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Rom. 6:1 What, then, shall we conclude?
Shall we continue to embrace a lifestyle of sin so that grace may abound?
Rom. 6:2 May it never happen! Since we
have died to the sin nature [positionally], how can we still keep on living in it [experientially]?
Rom. 6:3 Don’t you understand
that as many as were placed into vital union with Christ Jesus [elect in Him in eternity past] were placed into vital union
with His spiritual death [His sheep were united with Him on the cross]?
Rom. 6:4 Therefore, we [the elect] have been buried with Him through the vital union
[baptism of the Spirit] into His physical death, so that just as Christ was raised from deaths [both spiritual & physical]
by the glory of the Father, in the same manner also, we might walk in newness of life.
Rom. 6:5 For if we have become
intimately united to the likeness of His spiritual death, then we shall also be intimately united to the likeness of His
Rom. 6:6 Understand this: Our old man has been crucified together with Him, so that
the human body of sin might be rendered powerless, so that we might stop slavishly serving our sin nature.
Rom. 6:7
Consequently, the one who has died to the old man has been set free [positional sanctification] from the power of
the sin nature.
Rom. 6:8 Now since we have died together with Christ [retroactive positional truth], we should
also understand that we will live in association with Him [current positional truth],
Rom. 6:9 Knowing that Christ,
having been raised from deaths [both spiritual & physical deaths], can never die again, death no longer ruling [having
dominion over] Him.
Rom. 6:10 For that which He died, He died for sin once and for all [one time only, never again];
but that which He lives [in hypostatic union], He lives for God.
Rom. 6:11 Likewise, you also consider yourselves on the one hand to be dead to the
sin nature [mortification], but on the other hand, continually living for God [vivification] in Christ Jesus.
Rom. 6:12
Therefore, stop allowing the sin nature to rule in your mortal body, so that as a result you keep on obeying it with its trends
[lust patterns].
Rom. 6:13 Stop placing your members [faculties of the body & soul] as weapons of
wickedness under the orders of the sin nature, but place yourself completely under orders [yielding] to God as those who are
alive [retroactive positional truth] from deaths [His spiritual & physical deaths], and your members as weapons
of righteousness to God,
Rom. 6:14 For the sin nature must not be allowed to rule over you, because you are not under
the authority of the law, but under the authority of grace [plan of God for the Church Age].
Rom. 6:15 What then? Shall
we sin because we are not under the authority of the precepts of the law, but under the authority of the principles of grace?
May it never happen!
Rom. 6:16 Don’t you know that to whom you place yourselves under orders to as
slaves by obedience, you are slaves to whom you habitually obey: either to the sin nature resulting in [spiritual] death or
obedience [to God] resulting in righteousness?
Rom. 6:17 Thanks to God, that you used to be habitual slaves to the sin nature, but
now you have begun to obey from the mentality of your soul the system of doctrine into which you were handed over.
Rom. 6:18
And after being freed [liberated] from the sin nature [positional sanctification], you have become slaves to righteousness
[experiential sanctification].
Rom. 6:19 I am speaking with commonly accepted human terms because of the weakness
of your flesh [the sin nature still has a firm grip on them]: for just as you put your members [faculties of the body &
soul] under orders as slaves to impurity [trend towards sin] and to transgressions [trend towards human good] resulting in
lawlessness [trend towards evil], in the same manner, now begin putting your members under orders as slaves to the righteousness
[by the mental saturation and application of Bible doctrine] resulting in sanctification [execution of the spiritual life].
Rom. 6:20
For as long as you were slaves to the sin nature, you were free from righteousness [no potential for spiritual growth].
Rom. 6:21
What benefit, therefore, did you have at that time concerning which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is
spiritual death.
Rom. 6:22 But now, having been freed from the sin nature and having become slaves to God, you
have the opportunity to produce your fruit with respect to [experiential] sanctification, and toward the goal of eternal life
[super-abounding grace life here on earth].
Rom. 6:23 Certainly the compensation from the sin nature is spiritual
death, but the grace gift from God is [positional & future] eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Rom. 7:1
Or are you ignorant, brethren, (for I am communicating to those [legalists] who know [are misapplying] the law),
that the law lords it over mankind for as long a time as he lives?
Rom. 7:2 For a wife under the authority of her husband [sin nature] stands
permanently bound by the law [as marriage counselor] to her husband as long as he is living. But if the husband [old
sin nature] should die [by divorce or physical death], she is released by the law [marriage counselor] from the husband.
Rom. 7:3
Consequently, therefore, while her husband [sin nature] is living, she will be classified as an adulteress, if she has become
intimate with another of a different kind of man [illegitimacy]; but if her husband [sin nature] has died,
she is free from the law [as marriage counselor], so that that same one is not an adulteress, even though she has become married
to another husband [Jesus Christ] of a different kind [spiritual as opposed to carnal].
Rom. 7:4 Therefore, my brethren,
you also were made to die [through the baptism of the Spirit] to the law [as the marriage counselor] through the person of
Christ [2nd husband], so that you might belong [at the point of salvation] to another of a different kind [spiritual as opposed
to carnal husband], to Him [Jesus Christ] who was raised up [resurrected] from deaths [both spiritual & physical], so
that we might bear fruit [spiritual production from the 2nd marriage] unto God.
Rom. 7:5 For while we were in the flesh,
the passions of sins, which were through the law, operated in our members so that we produced fruit associated with
spiritual death [carnal production from our 1st marriage].
Rom. 7:6 But now we have been released [by divorce or physical death] from the law,
having died to that [1st marriage] by which we were bound [under the authority of the sin nature], so that we might
serve Him [Jesus Christ] as slaves with a newness of Spirit [the Holy Spirit as our new marriage counselor] and not with the
old letter [the law as our old marriage counselor].
Rom. 7:7 What, then, shall we say? Is the law sin? May it not be so! On
the contrary, I was not aware of the sin nature except through the law [the law as our marriage counselor demonstrated the
failure of our 1st marriage to the sin nature]. For instance, I would not have recognized the lust pattern except the law
kept on saying, “You shall not lust.”
Rom. 7:8 But the sin nature, by holding a base of operations through the [10th] commandment,
produced all manner of lust in me, because without the law, the sin nature was dead.
Rom. 7:9 Now at one time I
lived without the law, but when the commandment appeared [entered the conscience for the 1st time], the sin nature became
alive, and I died [spiritually],
Rom. 7:10 Because the commandment which was being examined for life [the law promises
abundant life], the same resulted in [spiritual] death for me.
Rom. 7:11 For the sin nature [1st husband], having seized the opportunity through
the commandment [marriage counselor quoting the 10th commandment], deceived me [used the sin nature to arouse corruption],
and through the same killed me [spiritual death in the soul].
Rom. 7:12 As a matter of fact, therefore, the law [as marriage counselor] is
holy; also the [10th] commandment is holy and righteous and absolute good.
Rom. 7:13 Therefore, did the
absolute good [10th commandment] become [spiritual] death to me? May it not come to pass! But the sin nature [the 1st husband
is the real culprit], in order that sin might be revealed through the absolute good [10th commandment], made [spiritual] death
a reality to me, so that through the commandment the sin nature might become utterly sinful.
Rom. 7:14 Certainly we know
that the law is spiritual [according to divine norms & standards], but I am carnal [controlled by the sin nature], when
I have been led astray [sold into slavery] under the authority of the sin nature [when we go chasing after our 1st husband].
Rom. 7:15
For what I accomplish [under the control of the sin nature], I do not understand [my spiritual perception is dulled by sin],
because I am not practicing the things [mechanics of the spiritual life] which I desire, but I keep doing the very things
[pattern of sinning] which I utterly detest.
Rom. 7:16 Now if I keep on doing this thing [pattern of sinning] which I do not desire
to do [against my better judgment], I agree with the law [its divine norms & standards] that it is good.
Rom. 7:17
But now, I [using better judgment in the filling of the Spirit] am no longer accomplishing the same, but the sin nature [following
the bad judgment of the 1st husband] which keeps on dwelling in me.
Rom. 7:18 In fact, I know that nothing intrinsically good resides in me, that is,
in my flesh [home of the sin nature], for to will is ready and waiting in me, but to accomplish free from defects is
Rom. 7:19
For I do not consistently do the intrinsic good which I desire, but instead I continue to practice the evil which I do not
Rom. 7:20
Now if I am habitually doing what I do not desire, I am no longer accomplishing it, but the sin nature [1st husband] which
continues to reside inside of me.
Rom. 7:21 Consequently, I discovered this principle: that when I desire within myself
to do the honorable thing [from the filling of the Spirit], evil [from the sin nature] is ready and waiting within me.
Rom. 7:22
By all means, I joyfully agree with the law of God [Bible doctrine] with reference to the inner man,
Rom. 7:23 But I see another
principle of a different kind [carnal as opposed to spiritual] in my members [the sin nature in the cell structure of the
body], constantly fighting against the principle of my mind [the sin nature wages war against Bible doctrine in the soul],
and so constantly making me a prisoner to the principle of the sin nature which is in my members.
Rom. 7:24 I am a stressed-out
person! Who will rescue me from the body of this death [sin nature control]?
Rom. 7:25 Thanks be to God through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Consequently, therefore, on the one hand, I myself serve the law [principles & objectives] of God
with my mind, but on the other hand, with my flesh the law [dictates] of the sin nature.
Rom. 8:1 Therefore, there
is now no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus.
Rom. 8:2 For the principle of the Spirit [the new marriage counselor], the source
of life, has set you free in Christ Jesus [the 2nd husband] from the law [the old marriage counselor] of the sin nature [the
1st husband], i.e., the source of spiritual death.
Rom. 8:3 For what was impossible from the law [the 1st marriage counselor
was not an instrument of salvation or spiritual growth], in that it was weak through the flesh [due to the indwelling sin
nature], God, when He sent His Own Son [deity of Christ] in the likeness of sinful flesh [humanity of Christ], namely because
of sin, judged sin in the flesh,
Rom. 8:4 So that the legal requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who keep
walking [experiential sanctification] not according to the flesh [sin nature], but according to the Spirit.
Rom. 8:5
For those who are dominated by the flesh [sin nature] keep thinking about the things [sin, human good, evil] of the flesh
[human viewpoint], but those dominated by the Spirit the things [Bible doctrine] of the Spirit [divine viewpoint].
Rom. 8:6
Consequently, the carnal thought pattern is spiritual death [through progressive stages of divine discipline], but
the spiritual thought pattern [doctrinal way of thinking] is capacity for life and prosperity.
Rom. 8:7
Because the carnal thought pattern [sin nature way of thinking] is hostile towards God, for it is not subordinate
to the policy of God [Bible doctrine as our way of life], because it is not able [doesn’t have the capacity to do so].
Rom. 8:8
Moreover, those [carnal & reversionistic believers] who are continually in the flesh are not able to please God.
Rom. 8:9
However, you are not in the flesh [positionally], but in the Spirit [positionally], assuming that the Spirit of God dwells
in you. In fact, if a person does not possess the Spirit [indwelling] from Christ, this one does not belong to Him [is an
Rom. 8:10 In fact, if Christ is in you [indwelling of Christ], on the one hand, the
body is [spiritually] dead because of sin, but on the other hand, the [human] spirit is alive because of
[His imputed] righteousness.
Rom. 8:11 Now if the Spirit from Him [God the Father] who raised up Jesus from deaths
[both physical and spiritual] dwells in you, He who raised up Christ from deaths shall also quicken your mortal bodies [future
resurrection] by means of His Spirit Who dwells in you.
Rom. 8:12 Consequently, therefore, brethren, we are debtors not to the flesh so that
we habitually live according to the standards of the flesh.
Rom. 8:13 Indeed, if you continually live according to the standards of the flesh
[sin nature], you will inevitably die [self-destruction and maximum divine discipline]; but if by means of the Spirit you
make it a practice to recognize as dead the functions from the body, you will live [abundant life].
Rom. 8:14 For as many as are
continually led by the Spirit of God [divine guidance], these are the mature sons of God.
Rom. 8:15 For, you have not
received a spirit of slavery resulting in fear, but rather you have received the Spirit of adult sonship [spiritual toga
virilis], by Whom we may shout: Father, Father!
Rom. 8:16 The Spirit Himself testifies with our [human] spirit that we are children
of God,
Rom. 8:17
Now if we are children [born of God], then we [believers] are heirs [our spiritual heritage depends
on Whom we are related to]: on the one hand we are heirs of God [by the 1st birth]; on the other hand we are
joint-heirs with Christ, if after this [becoming heirs of God], we [undeservedly] suffer together; then we will also be glorified
together [rewards & blessings for winner believers].
Rom. 8:18 For I conclude that the sufferings of this present period of time [the
Church Age] are not comparable to the glory [eternal honor, rewards & blessings] which is intended to be revealed
to us.
Rom. 8:19
Moreover, the confident expectation of the creation waits eagerly for the manifestation [at the 2nd advent] of the adult sons
[winner believers] of God,
Rom. 8:20 For the creation became subject to the vacuum [shared in Adam’s sin,
futility, and emptiness], not voluntarily, but because of Him [God the Father] who subordinated it [the creation]
in the time of hope [at the Fall],
Rom. 8:21 Therefore, the creation itself shall also be delivered [set free at the
2nd advent] from the bondage of corruption [ruin & destruction] into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
Rom. 8:22
Moreover, we know that the entire creation has been groaning together and suffering agony together [travailing in childbirth]
until now,
Rom. 8:23
And not only nature, but also ourselves, although we possess the firstfruits from the Spirit [blessings imputed to
the believer at the moment of salvation]; even we ourselves groan from time to time [complain] within ourselves, waiting expectantly
for the adoption [ultimate sanctification], the redemption of our body [resurrection].
Rom. 8:24 So then, we have
been delivered with reference to that future expectation [we were saved for a future purpose]. However, when a hope has been
seen, it is no longer a hope, for who continues to hope for what he sees?
Rom. 8:25 Now if we continue to hope for
what we do not see, we stand with eager anticipation [confident in the promises of God].
Rom. 8:26 And in the same manner,
the Spirit also helps us through our spiritual weakness, for we do not know, as is our duty, what we should be praying for.
But the Spirit Himself intercedes on our behalf from time to time with inexpressible groanings [which are accepted in heaven].
Rom. 8:27
Furthermore, He [God the Father] who continually examines our mentality knows what the thinking of the Spirit is,
because He [the Holy Spirit] intercedes according to God’s policy on behalf of the saints.
Rom. 8:28 In fact, we know
with an absolute knowledge that for those who love God [limited to mature believers], He [the Father] works all things [including
undeserved suffering] together for good, to those who are the elect [called-out ones] according to a predetermined plan.
Rom. 8:29
For those He [God the Father] foreloved [in eternity past], He also predestined to a form [ultimate resurrection body] similar
to the image of His Son, so that He [Jesus Christ] might be the firstborn among many brethren.
Rom. 8:30 Moreover, those He
has predestined [determined beforehand in eternity past], these same ones He also called [effectually in time], and those
He has called, these He also justified, and those He justified, these same ones He also glorified [positionally in the heavens].
Rom. 8:31
What, therefore, shall we conclude about these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
Rom. 8:32
Indeed, He Himself [God the Father] did not spare His Own Son, but delivered Him up on behalf of [substitutionary atonement]
all [believers outside of Rome] of us [those who meet the qualification in the previous verse]. So how is it possible that
He [God the Father] together with Him [God the Son] will not also graciously provide for us [the beneficiaries] the all things
[positionally: the benefits of the divine decrees; experientially: prosperity from undeserved suffering]?
Rom. 8:33
Who shall bring charges against God’s elect? God, the One who justifies?
Rom. 8:34 Who is attempting to condemn
us? Christ Jesus, Who died, even greater, Who was resurrected [ascension], Who is both at the right hand of God [session],
and Who continues to intercede [as defense attorney] on our behalf?
Rom. 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ [His love for us, not our
love for Him]? Outside pressure or emotional distress or religious persecution or famine or economic calamity or imminent
danger or two-edged sword [military defeat and rampant crime]?
Rom. 8:36 Just as it stands written [in Psalm 44:22]: For Your sake [Jesus Christ]
we are being murdered throughout the entire day [continuous martyrdom in Rome during the reign of Nero Claudius Caesar]; we
have been evaluated as sheep for the slaughter [doomed to be martyrs].
Rom. 8:37 Nevertheless, in spite of all these things [suffering and adversities],
we are winning a victory as super-conquerors through Him who loves us.
Rom. 8:38 Indeed, I am completely persuaded that neither death nor life, nor fallen
angels nor demon generals, nor things which are imminent [during this present age] nor things which are
destined to come [in future dispensations], nor powers [human conspiracies, bad government],
Rom. 8:39 Nor height [nothing
in heaven] nor depth [nothing in hell], nor any creature of a different kind [non-human], shall have the power to separate
us from the love of God [the Father] which is in Christ Jesus our Lord [eternal security].