I consider the study of "Christ-Intimacy" to be the most important theological topic of the age.
It is called by other names:
  • Experiential Sanctification
  • Occupation with Christ
  • Fellowship with God
  • Pneumatology
An introduction to this subject is available below for downloading.
(the WORD document prints out better than the PDF file)

Click here to download Christ Intimacy WORD file

Click here to download Christ Intimacy PDF file

Important points regarding Christ-intimacy
(discussed in the attached paper)

  1. The experience of the immanence of Christ is available to all believers.
  2. There are differing degrees of elevation (levels of experience) in this intimacy.
  3. There is a rich treasure of technical phrases (some new) that express this intimacy.
  4. These technical phrases in the Greek and Hebrew can be expressed pictorially.
  5. The light of the experience of Christ is entered into by the filling of the Spirit.
  6. The light of the experience of Christ is increased by learning doctrinal concepts.
  7. Both the divine sanctum and the cosmic sanctum can be represented by a sphere.
  8. There is one access gate into the divine sanctum: the filling of the Spirit.
  9. There are many access gates into the cosmic sanctum: categories of sin.
  10. How do you become filled with the Spirit? By the confession of sin (1 John 1:9).
  11. Christ-intimacy is increased by alternating doctrinal inculcation and suffering.
  12. Doctrinal inculcation and suffering for blessing require walking in the Spirit.
  13. There are permanent and temporary spheres of existence for believers.
  14. You can never lose permanent residence; you can lose temporal residence.
  15. Entrance is by the filling of the Spirit and progress is by walking in the Spirit.
  16. The spiritual life can be shown pictorially by a power sphere and gates.
  17. The spiritual life is successfully lived by utilizing ten problem-solving devices.




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